Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The festive and beautiful hall at the Centro de Arte u Cultura is slowly filling up with people. The hall with the victims' clothes is still locked, soon we will cut the strip and the guests will enter to experience the exhibition. The soundtrack of the installation is played quietly in the background, a light breeze moves the hanging clothes.
The representative of the Israeli embassy consular Ms. Dafna Danenberg opens the evening with a moving speech in Spanish and tells about our project: an Israeli initiative that seeks to provoke protest and awareness all over the world. After her, the representative of the organization Cattarachas, that works for LGBT rights in Honduras, thunders in her voice about the social responsibility of all of us towards the unimaginable wave of violence, and painfully tells the story of Monique's life.
And finally I say: "We were born to be free, we were born to be loved, we were born to accomplish our potential in this world, without fear, harassment or violence. The most acute and urgent environmental problem to be addressed these days is our immediate - personal environment: our family, friends, co-workers, the people we share our lives with. We are all responsible for each other, and connected in one whole human tissue..”
Thank you very much for this important and meaningful stage. May you leave here with a true message of inspiration for action in order to obliterate the phenomenon of violence.
We would like to thank:
Red Lésbica Cattrachas
Israeli Embassy and Israeli ambassador in Honduras
DCM and Consul of Israel in Honduras - Dafna Danenberg
Centro de Arte y Cultura de la UNAH
The family of Monique Martinez
Photos by: Keren Goldstein Yehezkeli
Video by: CBC Canal 6 - Honduras